We Like Rockets – Launch day is 2 November 2024
Welcome to our yearly obsession with Model Rocketry and danger.
Once a year children and adults who act like children meet up to launch rockets of all sizes, from tiny squeakers to G motor behemoths, sport and scale models and frankly, rockets that should be retired. We always have good food, and sometimes we do fireworks at the end.
We also launch radio controlled rockets. Thanks to Dynasoar Rocketry for giving us another obsession.
If you would like to participate, contact us first and then show up with a rocket to launch. We have launchers of all sizes, powerful nuclear powered launch controllers and vehicles to take cover behind.
We’ve been at this a while and have pretty much thought of everything. (Eric, sorry about that big tear in your Easy up Canopy – signed, your loving brother, Rocket Rain Man.)